
Dry Drayton Church of England (C) Primary School

Pupil Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and narrow the attainment gap between them and their peers.


To see if you may be eligible for pupil premium funding please fill in this online form - Cambridgeshire Pupil Premium Funding


Schools receive the funding (currently £1,455) for each child that is eligible for free school meals (FSM), is a looked after child (LAC), or a child whose parents are currently in the armed forces (AF) (£335). Pupil premium also covers those children who have been eligible for free school meals in the last six years (Ever6)


We offer financial support towards after school clubs, music lessons and activities, also residential and other school trips as part of our Pupil Premium funding. Please contact the school office if you would like any further information about this. 


An impact report for the previous academic year is produced in the September of each new school year.


