"I pray that your love for each other will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding."
Philippians 1:9
Welcome to St Edmund Class
We are years 5 and 6
Summer Term 2022
This term we will be focussing on Shakespeare in English, looking at Romeo and Juliet and the structure of Sonnets. We will perform a Shakespeare play in the second half of the summer term.
In Science the children will be focussing on Living Things: Life cycles and habitats.
The History of Entertainment will be our Humanities focus in the first half of the term with Locational Knowledge and Fieldwork in the second.
Autumn Term 2021
This term we will be learning about forces in science. Our history topic is the Vikings and Anglo Saxons and in geography we will be learning about earthquakes and volcanoes.
We will be basing our English around these main themes.
The homework expectation is that children will read for 20 minutes everyday, complete one comprehension activity a week and practise their times tables, mental maths and spellings.
Please also refer to the homework Pick n Mix for further ideas for activities to complete at home.
Summer Term 2021
This term we will be studying the Ancient Egyptians and making comparisons between their way of life and ours today. Our class book is The Storm Keeper's Island and the children will have a copy that they can bring home to read on with as directed - please don't let them read to the end just yet! We will be working towards writing an opening chapter of a sequel to the story.
This term we are also looking to develop problem solving and reasoning in mathematics.
There are further details about the curriculum on our termly curriculum map.
The children have spelling and comprehension reading weekly and should be reading for at least 15 minutes every day.
Year 6 will start to bring home additional maths homework. Year 5 need to ensure their times tables and number facts are fluent.
We are entering the Sumdog challenge again this term, so the children should know their logins.
Our termly challenge is also available and we look forward to seeing the exciting and creative responses.
Please feel free to contact me on Dojo if you would like to share some of the children's achievements or if you have any concerns.
Mrs Scott