
Dry Drayton Church of England (C) Primary School

"I pray that your love for each other will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding."

Philippians 1:9

Government reopening of schools - update

15th May 2020

Government request for phased reopening of schools and what this means for

Dry Drayton C of E (C) Primary School.

Dear Parents,

With so much talk in the media about children returning to school, we would like to ask you how you feel about this proposal and whether you wish to send your children to school or not.

The Government has announced that Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children may be able to return to school from the week beginning Monday 1st June 2020. At this current time, we are unclear what this may look like for us and we will wait to receive more information from the Government to see how their request will impact us as a school.

Based on your responses, we will have to consider our staffing numbers, the staff able to work in school, room spaces and how we can best manage socially distancing the children.

Our first priority is that no-one is entering our school unless we feel that it is safe for our children, our staff and our families; this may mean the children do not attend full days, may not be taught in their classroom, may not be taught by their class teacher or may only be in school part time.

This survey is purely to help us with our planning, as we know so much can change over a short period of time (you will also be free to change your mind at any point after completing this survey).

We will ensure that we follow government guidance for effective infection control by:

  • Minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have Covid-19 symptoms (or within a household), do not attend school
  • Cleaning hands more often than usual - 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly (we are installing paper hand towel dispensers)
  • Ensuring good respiratory hygiene - promote the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using products such as detergents and bleach
  • Minimising contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible, the environment (such as classroom layout) and timetables (such as staggered start, finish, break times).

In addition to this we will:

  • Write a thorough Risk Assessment to be confident that we are safe to open
  • Produce guidance to help you to prepare your children to come into school – maintaining social distance, washing hands, not touching your face, only using your own equipment
  • Provide each child with their own equipment in a zippy bag – no pencil cases to come in from home
  • Not use the cubby holes - the children will store their belongings under their table in the classroom.

The earliest date that Dry Drayton C of E (C) Primary School could open for a phased return is the week beginning Monday 1st June 2020.

Which children will return and what will this look like?

  • Physical health, mental health and wellbeing will be at the forefront of our curriculum.
  • Key Worker children will still be looked after at school
  • Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will return to school in a phased approach
  • School will not be open to siblings in different year groups, except for the children of Key Workers
  • The children will be in smaller groups of no more than 7 children determined by the school – this will be called the group bubble
  • Each bubble will have one or two members of our staff; but these may not be your child’s current teacher, neither will it be a supply teacher
  • For safety, each bubble will remain consistent – children will not swap or change bubbles
  • The timings of the school day will change to accommodate social distancing with drop-off and pick-up times being staggered
  • Classroom layouts will be changed to enable social distancing as best we can
  • Learning will be different because we have to consider social distancing which poses challenges with usual good practice e.g. staff will not be able to work in close proximity to the children. Children will not be able to work or play within close proximity of each other or share toys and equipment in the way they are used to
  • We will continue to provide those children at home with tasks set via Seesaw
  • Movement around school will be limited and common areas will be restricted or divided
  • Breaks and lunchtimes will be staggered for each bubble
  • Children will not be allowed to mix across bubbles.

What will happen to ensure the school is a safe place to be?

  • A thorough Risk Assessment will be undertaken. The plan will reflect any necessary changes to the school environment, its routines and procedures
  • If a child or adult shows symptoms of Covid-19, they will be sent home and must self-isolate for 7 days. All fellow household members must also self-isolate for 14 days
  • If a child or staff member shows symptoms and tests positive for Covid-19, all children and staff in the same bubble as them will be sent home and all of them, and all members of their households, must all self-isolate for 14 days
  • If testing is available, staff who display symptoms will endeavour to be tested and likewise for members of their households
  • School will continue to educate children about the importance of hand washing and the ‘Catch it, Kill it, Bin it’ principle
  • There will be increased cleaning of frequently used objects, equipment and furniture (eg. door handles, desks and outdoor play equipment)
  • Drop-off and pick-up times will be staggered for parents
  • Only one parent can accompany the child onto the school grounds
  • Parents will be unable to enter the building

If you have any concerns about whether or not your child should attend school for health reasons, we suggest you contact your GP or NHS 111.

You have all worked brilliantly in partnership with us in these strange and unprecedented times and we know that this will continue as we move into this next phase.

We are deeply thankful for your support.


Stay safe, keep well.   With best wishes,  

Sonia Hegan
